I want to thank all the ladies that have helped me for the past year with thier awesome layouts and cards. Its time again for DT call. All diva designers are welcome to enter the call.
Why I am doing this? I hate doing call that restricts but at this time with my DT stuff, Pubcalls blog coordinator, iSrap VIP Team, family, part time and just life..it was getting hard and I am anal on schedules and was never doing that here. I dont want to do that again and so this is why the call. I will help me in the long run.
I will be posting a layout sketch once a month as always but will be adding two card sketches in the mix each month. The Designers will be getting knew blinkies and we may have in the future sponsors for DT and prizes to give away.
So here is the DT Call:
I am looking for 6 layout designers and 6 card designers for one year commitment starting April 200 to April 2009
Deadline: March 15 2008 at midnight PST
If you are interested in the DT for Layout Sketches please create a layout with this sketch
If you are interested in the DT for Card Sketches please create a card with this sketch
Please send your creations to mysketchworld@gmail.com . Please indicate on the subject if you entering for Layout or Card DT call.
Include with your creations
Full Name
Gallery Links
Blog Link (If applicable)
Resume Link or list
paper, digi or hybrid are welcome to apply
I will be announcing new teams on March 19th
Thanks Lucy...
I might give this a go!
I'm thinking about applying for your DT.
I have a question...do you require a "recipe" of items used in the entries?
Are there anymore details you can share about the DT? You can send me a private email if you want.
hey Kelly...I dont need a supply list for the entry and will add more info on the DT stuff
Just curious if we could enter for both the layout and card DT or if we had to pick which one we want to be considered for?
You can try for both
Love the sketches and I will definately be trying out for DT! Can't wait to see everyone's work! Thanks!
Working on cards now. Even created a blog so I would be able to promote My Sketch World. OK, my work, too.
I sent you an e-mail! Hopefully I'll get to play with the sketch and make at least one more, but if not I can always apply with just that one {I hope!}. :)
I am going to be putting it on my blog as well, probably tomorrow. Thanks!
I am getting awesome stuff here ladies...OMG...this is going to be hard
Ohhhh so excited about the 19th!!
Good luck everyone. :)
I have first time submission anxiety. Card is sitting on my desk and I am scared to glue anyting down.
:) Sally You can do it!! I bet it looks great!
Good luck
Go for it Sally...plenty of time to get it in
I've sent my entry off - really had fun with this site!
Not long now till we find out. I had fun doing the layout
Did it! I attached everything and sent it off. Managed to avoid glue by shopping yesterday. Good luck to everyone!
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